The Effects of Temperature Room on Micropipette Calibration Using Linear Regression Analysis

Fanny Rahmawati Solihat (1), Atika Hendryani (2)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:20:"Poltekkes Jakarta II";}, Indonesia,
(2) Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II, Indonesia


A micropipette is a type of pipette that takes a liquid substance with a tiny volume on a microliter scale. Micropipette calibration is needed to find out if there is a deviation value and ensure accuracy so that it can be ascertained whether the equipment is still suitable for use or not. When calibrating micropipettes in the laboratory, the laboratory temperature must be stable. However, the facts in the field indicate that there is a possibility that the temperature is not stable following the requirements of micropipette calibration, which is at a temperature of 20oC, which can influence the calibration results. This study aimed to determine the effect of room temperature on micropipette calibration. This study uses the linear regression analysis method by taking data thirty times at each room temperature of 10oC, 20oC, 25oC, and 30oC with micropipette sizes of 1000 µl and 50µl. The data taken and tested using the SPSS application found that the significance value (sig.) at each point was smaller than the error rate used, which was 5%. The most significant temperature effect on 1000µl micropipette size is at 15°C by 68.20%, and at 50µl micropipette size is at 20°C by 67.90%. The linear equation of each micropipette size and room temperature obtained a positive constant value showing the independent variable's positive effect (temperature). If the independent variable (temperature) increases or is greater, the dependent variable (micropipette calibration results) will decrease/be smaller in value. The overall data shows that temperature affects micropipette calibration, so H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted.

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Fanny Rahmawati Solihat (Primary Contact)
Atika Hendryani
Solihat, F. R., & Hendryani, A. (2024). The Effects of Temperature Room on Micropipette Calibration Using Linear Regression Analysis. Electromedic, Journal of Medical Electronic, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from
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