The Design of a Data Logger with WEB-based Storage

salmon salmon (1)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:19:"poltekkes jakarta 2";}, Indonesia


Data Loggers are electronic devices that continuously collect and analyze data from various sources. Some data loggers use personal computers and software as storage devices for data collection and analysis and are integrated with sensors and instruments. Data logging is the process of collecting and analyzing data from sensors to perform data analysis. SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) is the evolution of computer-based data logger systems, where data is stored in graphical form, allowing operators to easily analyze data. Data Loggers are usually used in the maintenance of medical devices to monitor data in real time and can also be used as calibrators for medical devices such as vaccine refrigerators, medicine refrigerators, and autoclaves. The purpose of this research is to make a data logger tool with web-based storage, and analyze data on the percentage of error, and the percentage of temperature accuracy using a thermocople comparison tool. Temperature sensors are used to convert physical data into a list that can be accessed and analyzed using a computer or microprocessor. In this study, researchers made a data logger using ESP32 as a microcontroller and Ds18b20 as a temperature sensor. Recording temperature measurement data using a website, which includes temperature readings, and temperature graphs. In this study, the average temperature value on sensor (T) 1 was 4.30, with a percentage error of 0.08%, and a percentage accuracy of 99.93%. Sensor (T) 2 produces an average temperature value of 4.09, with a percentage error of 0.02%, and a percentage accuracy of 99.98%. Meanwhile, sensors (T) 3, and 4 produce the same average temperature value of 4.12, with a percentage error of 0.03%, and a percentage accuracy of 99.97%. The largest percentage error is found in sensor (T) 1 because sensor (T) 1 is in the middle of the refrigerator while the other three sensors (T) are near the wall of the cooler so that there is a difference that is not too far from the temperature setting tool.

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salmon salmon (Primary Contact)
salmon, salmon. (2024). The Design of a Data Logger with WEB-based Storage. Electromedic, Journal of Medical Electronic, 1(1), 10–13. Retrieved from
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